Lodging his member more in the opening very tightly closed by her buttocks
and - to underscore his dominance - smacking her on the bottom and rubbing it
warm with one hand, he takes hold of her clitoris with the other, his lover being
unable to refuse his caresses. Her movements of joy and pleasure accentuate
the man's craving considerably, so that the woman has to stop when she feels
his lover is closed to ejaculatory orgasm.
Then the man still lodged in the woman's bottom kneels down on the bed. His
partner sits up, so that she touches his chest with her breasts. With one hand
he massages her labia and clitoris and can even masturbate her, if he feels the
movements of her pelvis are fierce enough. With the other hand he massages
her breasts that have grown erectile from his exciting caresses, while his
fingers invest her genitals.