Here it is another so-called resting position for the man, whose hard and large
member is skilfully massaged by the woman.
The man does not move. The woman inserts the whole length of the penis by
herself, supporting herself on her kneels. The man can stretch his legs if he
feels more pleasure in this position. Sitting slightly in front of the man's thighs,
the woman receives the man's phallusto the degree she chooses. The man can
hold her hips and help her when she presses her pelvis on him or he can tap
her buttocks with his palms having the fingers spread out. These flicks help the
woman raise her sexual energy along the spine.
This position is recommended for the beginners in the art of lovemaking with
sexual continence because it helps to sublimate the sexual energy in more
refined energies. Both lovers have to focus their attention in the middle of the
forehead in order to guide the sexual energy towards the sixth chakra - Ajna
Chakra. In this way, they will experience a inner peace and happiness.