

Kamasutra About women acting the part of a man; and of the work of a man

When a woman sees that her lover is fatigued by constant congress, without
having his desire satisfied, she should, with his permission, lay him down upon
his back, and give him assistance by acting his part. She may also do this to
satisfy the curiosity of her lover, or her own desire of novelty. There are two
ways of doing this, the first is when during congress she turns round, and gets
on the top of her lover, in such a manner as to continue the congress, without
obstructing the pleasure of it; and the other is when she acts the man's part
from the beginning. At such a time, with flowers in her hair hanging loose, and
her smiles broken by hard breathings, she should press upon her lover's bosom
with her own breasts, and lowering her head frequently, should do in return the
same actions which he used to do before, returning his blows and chaffing him,
should say, `I was laid down by you, and fatigued with hard congress, I shall
now therefore lay you down in return.' She should then again manifest her own
bashfulness, her fatigue, and her desire of stopping the congress. In this way
she should do the work of a man, which we shall presently relate.