The lovers face each other. Then the man lifts the woman up to the level of his
waist. She can either hold him by his arms or around his neck. Penetrated by
the entire length of the penis, she allows her narrow vagina to slide along the
erect shaft. The man can press her very closely to himself, an embrace she can
simplify for him by squeezing her legs tightly around his waist.
In this position the penis massages the entire vagina. Helped by the power of
her arms, the woman can make strong coming and going movements in tune
with those of her lover. In this way both man and woman will feel a deep
The standing position of the man gives him more control on sexual energy.
Both lovers have to guide the sexual energy along the spine towards the crown
in order to avoid the man's ejaculatory orgasm and the woman's discharging
orgasm. This will generate a sublimation of the basic energy in happiness and
pure love.