"The TOP" position, being pretty close to the missionary position, also named in
Kama Sutra "Driving the nail home", makes it easy for the man approach it
without having to withdraw his penis from his lover's vagina. That is why the
lovers should perform "The top" position after the classical one in order to keep
in contact their genitals.
Tantric masters recommend to the lovers to keep in contact their sexual organs
during the intercourse, because in this way it is not interrupted the energetic
exchange between lovers that is launch during the erotic act.
The woman should not be passive in this position. By holding the man's thighs
she can press his pelvis on hers, helping him to penetrate her deeply.
As same as "Driving the nail home" position, "The top" position is not
recommended for the beginners in the art of sexual continence because it
favours the accumulation of the sexual energy in the genital area. That is why
the man has to make slow motions and to focus his attention in the cardiac
plexus in order to control the sexual energy and to avoid the ejaculation. This is
recommended for woman, too.