The positions face to face are very pleasant for both lovers. They enable them
to look at each other, to see how their desire mounts and, above all, to
exchange mutual caresses.
The woman lies on her back. Facing her, laying on top of her the man plunges
into woman's vagina with full thrusts of his loins. Then he places her legs on his
The man's phallus fills up the woman's vagina completely. With his pelvis
intimately touching her pelvis, the man plunges into her deeply and forcefully,
so that she can feel the size of his member all the better.
The woman is not passive in this position. Holding the man's buttocks, she
draws the man's pelvis toward her in order to feel his thrusts deeper. In this
position the man's strong thrusts could provoke the awakening of the woman's
Kundalini Shakti. The lovers have to discover their own forceful rhythm that
generates the awakening of their Kundalini Shakti.
This position is not recommended for beginners in the art of sexual continence
because it favours the accumulation of sexual energy in the genital area. When
the man feels that he is getting close to the ejaculatory orgasm he has to stop
his movements and focus his attention in the crown in order to guide the sexual
energy along the spine till the crown. This is available for women, too.