The lovers place themselves so, that his member is aimed at her buttocks from
the rear. When he inserts hid penis into the woman's vulva, he pulls her pelvis
up to the level of his own waist and at the same time forces her to incline the
upper part of her body forwards.
To mantain better balance so that he can convey to her his full vigour, she
supports herself on her lover's ankles. The way the vagina is massaged by the
penis and the penis is suckled by the vulva gives the pair a deep feeling of
yearning in this massage position.
The man would have strong muscles at his arms and legs for mantaining this
position as long as is necessary to get the non-ejaculatory orgasm.
The woman has a good control of the pleasure intensity in this position and
therefore she can help the man by stopping the movement when she feels that
he attains the preorgastic level.