The man lies on the woman. She encompasses his thighs, prepared to take him
up to the hilt. He insinuates himself inside her gently and deeply anchored there
he cuddles her, stroking her back, hips, breasts. To abandon herself to her
lover's desires still more, she draws up her legs and spreads them slightly to be
able to, thus, proffer her vulva completely to the glans and penis shaft.
Still in the same position, the male lover can also amuse himself with the anal
opening of his lover if he knows that she loves anal penetrations. Here the
woman can relax in the best possible manner and the man has full control over
the penetration of his penis into the warm and constricted opening, which she
offers him with love and trust. He holds her by her hips, can bite her neck and
have his hands pass over her breasts, while thrusting ever deeper. In both
cases the man's desire is complete and of long duration.
This position is proper for raising the sexual energy and sublimation it in pure
love. To achieve this elevated emotion - pure love, during this position the
lovers have not to concentrate to the genital pleasure, but they have to
concentrate their attention to the heart area and become conscious of the flying
feeling that this position produces. If the lovers abandon them to the flying
feeling they feel that they are immersed in an ocean of pure love.