To begin with, I want to remind you of the differences between how
men and women approach and experience sex.
To set the stage, I first want to talk about “experience.”
As humans, we use our five primary senses to take in information
about the world. This is called “Perception.” Most of this happens on an
We then take what we get from our senses and we process this
information. We compare it to what we’ve experienced before, we classify it,
we imagine it in different ways, and we have UNCONSCIOUS reactions to it.
Next, we make decisions about what we’re going to do with what we
just experienced. Again, these are mostly UNCONSCIOUS.
Finally, we take action on what we decided to do. You guessed it...
again, mostly unconsciously.
This description is oversimplified, but I think it’s a useful model to
work with here.
Basically, I believe that men and women go through these four stages
a little differently. And when it comes to sex, I believe that they go through
them much differently.
I mention this because most people deal with other people the way
that they want to be dealt with. They communicate in ways that make sense
to themselves. They usually assume that they know what’s best for others
without checking first.
This only makes sense. Most people don’t walk around saying to
themselves “Hmmm, I wonder if Sarah tastes the same thing as I do when
she drinks coffee?” and “I wonder if water tastes exactly the same to her...
or if it’s just slightly different...”
Most people have asked these questions once or twice in life, but they
usually stop asking once they decide that most people have the same
experiences as they do when they drink coffee, etc.
Here’s the deal: When it comes to most ‘gross’ experiences (meaning
common level) like getting hit with a baseball, tasting salt, or seeing a color,
we as humans usually have pretty similar experiences.
But when it comes to ‘subtle’ experiences (meaning less extreme, and
in this context, also more complex) people, and especially different genders,
have vastly different experiences.
For instance, if you show a man and a woman a picture of a Victoria’s
Secret catalogue, the man will usually notice all of the women, while the
woman will notice the clothing, including the colors and the details.
Finally, the order or sequence of experiences and thoughts have a
major role in the responses that men and women demonstrate.
In the area of sex, men are usually pretty simple: See hot woman, get
turned on and want sex. All in about 1-3 seconds. A man can be outside
working on his car and see a beautiful woman out of the corner of his eye,
and instantly be in the mood.
On the other hand, women are a bit more complex. Even if a woman
sees a handsome man, she will RARELY get sexually turned on. The first
thing that women experience when they SEE an attractive man is usually
more of a curiosity or intrigue... a wanting to know more.
If a man smiles at a woman, the woman usually interprets the smile as
“Hi, you look nice and friendly.”
If a woman smiles at a man, the man usually interprets the smile as
“I’m interested in sex.”
This one difference causes many first meetings to go the wrong way.
Here’s the deal: In general, it takes women longer to get in ‘The Mood’
for sex, and it happens differently than it does for men.
As I talk about sex and how to do it better, you need to keep this in
mind. Some of the things I’m going to tell you might sound like just
‘interesting’ ideas, or unusual things to do.
Not so.
While they may be interesting and unusual, they are all specifically to
appeal to the female mind and mating preferences. 50,000 years ago
women had to figure out some way to determine if a man was going to be a
good provider and a loyal mate.
I believe that the concept of ‘Romance’ was that way.
If a man was really interested, he would go through some
demonstrations of his devotion... and be willing to wait for sex.
And so it goes. Women love things like ‘taking your time’,
‘anticipation’, ‘sensory rich experiences’, ‘romantic talk’ and ‘foreplay.’
I know, I know. We all want a woman that gets turned on by just
seeing your unshaven face and dirty hair in the morning. But these are the
cards we were dealt, and we might as well learn how to play them in this
So I just mentioned a bunch of ideas. Let’s tie them together.
As far as the senses go: In general, women get turned on by a few
major categories of things:
1. Voice tone, sensual (not sexual) language, and vivid descriptions.
Women love to hear a sexy voice describing ideas, feelings, and
scenarios in painful detail.
2. A wide range of different touching, kissing, stroking, caressing, and
3. Smells and smelling. Women love great cologne. And women love
to be smelled.
4. Tastes. Women love to be fed all kinds of wonderful things like
Strawberries, chocolate, and champagne.
Did you notice anything missing from the list?
I left out SIGHT on my list. Why?
Well, women don’t get turned on as much by sight as they do by other
senses. Men are usually more turned on by visuals than by the other four
senses combined.
Women are turned on more by the others.
It’s true that what you look like can PREVENT you from being
attractive due to not taking care of yourself, not being her ‘type’ or
But I believe (and have proven to myself over and over) that if you
pave the way correctly, you can overcome looks and get a woman VERY
sexually stimulated by using her other senses and her imagination.
Next I talked about how women notice details. Women notice subtle
things. If you rub a woman’s hand, she’ll feel warm and friendly toward you.
If you very very gently and slowly run the tips of your fingers over her
hand, she will begin to get aroused (other conditions have to be right, of
If you kiss a woman on the lips and stick your tongue down her throat,
she’ll probably be disgusted. But if you kiss her gently... then slowly pull
away and look into her eyes... then kiss her again slowly and gently... you’ll
start a fire inside of her that will build (if you do everything else correctly as
I also mentioned romance. To me, romance is simply demonstrating to
a woman that this whole encounter and ‘relationship’ with her is meaningful.
It’s a way of saying “I want to create a great experience for you” to
her. If you play up the romance too much, you’ll push a button inside of a
woman called “He loves me and wants to marry me.” So be careful.
I recommend sticking to the kinds of romance that involve the senses,
and not the kind that involve money, gifts, and love letters. There’s nothing
wrong with these... it’s just that they lead to the M word. If you want a wife,
great. If not, use care and stick to the senses.
Labels: Sex Secrets
How To Turn A Woman On, Satisfy Her In A Big Way, And Get Her To Do The Things You've Always Wanted
her to take him up to the hilt. The man, who lies on woman, insinuates himself
inside her moisten vagina. Then she draws her legs, letting the man's thighs to
encompass her legs. Deeply anchored in her vulva the man cuddles her,
stroking her back, hips and breasts. The woman can contract her vaginal
muscles in order to stimulate her lover's desires even more and she can tune
these contractions with the man's thrusts.
Still in the same position, the man can also penetrate the woman's anal
opening if he knows that she loves anal penetrations. Here the woman should
relax her sphincters in the best possible manner. The man has to have full
control over the penetration of his penis into the warm and constricted opening,
which she offers him with love and trust.
In this position the man can bite the woman's neck and also can caress tenderly
her breasts, while thrusting even deeper.
This position is proper for raising the sexual energy and sublimation it in pure
love. To achieve this elevated emotion - pure love, during this position the
lovers have not to concentrate to the genital pleasure, but they have to
concentrate their attention to the heart area and become conscious of the flying
feeling that this position produces. If the lovers abandon them to the flying
feeling they feel that they are immersed in an ocean of pure love.
inside her moisten vagina. Then she draws her legs, letting the man's thighs to
encompass her legs. Deeply anchored in her vulva the man cuddles her,
stroking her back, hips and breasts. The woman can contract her vaginal
muscles in order to stimulate her lover's desires even more and she can tune
these contractions with the man's thrusts.
Still in the same position, the man can also penetrate the woman's anal
opening if he knows that she loves anal penetrations. Here the woman should
relax her sphincters in the best possible manner. The man has to have full
control over the penetration of his penis into the warm and constricted opening,
which she offers him with love and trust.
In this position the man can bite the woman's neck and also can caress tenderly
her breasts, while thrusting even deeper.
This position is proper for raising the sexual energy and sublimation it in pure
love. To achieve this elevated emotion - pure love, during this position the
lovers have not to concentrate to the genital pleasure, but they have to
concentrate their attention to the heart area and become conscious of the flying
feeling that this position produces. If the lovers abandon them to the flying
feeling they feel that they are immersed in an ocean of pure love.
Labels: SP-Variant Massage and Sucking

Here it is another position from the range of the so-called resting positions for
the man.
The man does not move. Taking the active role, the woman inserts the whole
length of the penis in her moisten vagina, supporting herself on her legs and on
her lover's thighs.
In this position the woman takes the man's phallus only to the degree she likes.
After one or two hours of intercourse with sexual continence the man can adopt
this position in order to rest and to restore his vigour.
Profiting from his position, the man can pinch and nibble his lover's nipples.
They can exchange caresses and kisses and also they can look at each other
seeing how their passion mounts.
The woman lets her lover's penis slide in her swollen, moist and glistening
vagina. She can make either upward and downward movements or circular
movements. When she feels that her lover is get close to the ejaculatory
orgasm she has to stop her moving. Both lovers have to guide their sexual
energy along the spine toward the crown in order to avoid man's ejaculatory
orgasm and woman's explosive orgasm.
The woman can restart her movements when she feels that her lover regained
control over the sexual energy.
Labels: SP-Variant GAZELLE

The lovers face each other. The man kneels in front of the woman and lifts her
up to the level of his waist. She places her legs on the man's shoulders,
imprisoning her lover's penis that slide easily in her well-lubricated vagina. The
man holds the woman by the hips, so that he can penetrate as deeply as
possible each time he enters.
This position has the great advantage of triggering strong vaginal sensations for
the woman.
The glans and the shaft of the penis excite the upper area of the vagina very
much. To accentuate this massage even more, the woman can squeeze her
This position helps the woman to have more control on pleasure because the
sexual energy flows toward the head, generating an elevated type of orgasm.
The vertical position of the man's trunk gives him more control over the
intensity of pleasure. Therefore, he can successfully avoid ejaculation
Labels: SP-Variant FACE TO FACE

The woman lies on her back, near the edge of the bed. She spreads her legs,
placing one of them on the floor. Facing her, laying on top of her, the man
plunges into woman's vagina with strong thrusts. One of his legs is stretched
and placed on the floor and the other is folded.
With widely spread thighs the woman receives his lover right up to the hilt. The
man can explore her to his heart's content - gently with the total length of his
penis or - which will increase her desire for more - he can insert and retract his
penis forcefully.
This position favours the complete intimacy of the genital zones of the lovers. It
is not recommended for the beginners in the art of sexual continence because it
favours the accumulation of the sexual energy in the genital area. That is why
the man has to stop his motions when he achieves the preorgastic level and to
focus his attention in the cardiac plexus in order to guide the sexual energy
along the spine and to avoid the ejaculation.
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man standing in front of the woman lifts her so that her vulva fits to his penis.
She wraps her legs stretched more or less around him while his virile member
slides deeply into her moisten vagina.
Holding her buttocks, he draws her pelvis toward him, filling up her vagina
The lovers face each other and they can exchange all kinds of caresses,
pinching and kissing each other. They can glance full of lust each other and
thus, mounting their passion.
This variant of "Climbing the tree" position is a very good position for man's
sexual energy control because the standing position increases the power of
control over the energies. Also the vertical position of the woman's trunk
enables a better control over her sexual energy. The lovers have to focus their
attention in the crown in order to sublimate the sexual energy in more refined
energies and therefore achieving more and more elevated states of

The positions face to face are very pleasant for both lovers. They enable them
to look at each other, to see how their desire mounts and, above all, to
exchange mutual caresses.
The woman lies on her back. Facing her, laying on top of her the man plunges
into woman's vagina with full thrusts of his loins. Then he places her legs on his
The man's phallus fills up the woman's vagina completely. With his pelvis
intimately touching her pelvis, the man plunges into her deeply and forcefully,
so that she can feel the size of his member all the better.
The woman is not passive in this position. Holding the man's buttocks, she
draws the man's pelvis toward her in order to feel his thrusts deeper. In this
position the man's strong thrusts could provoke the awakening of the woman's
Kundalini Shakti. The lovers have to discover their own forceful rhythm that
generates the awakening of their Kundalini Shakti.
This position is not recommended for beginners in the art of sexual continence
because it favours the accumulation of sexual energy in the genital area. When
the man feels that he is getting close to the ejaculatory orgasm he has to stop
his movements and focus his attention in the crown in order to guide the sexual
energy along the spine till the crown. This is available for women, too.

Here it is another so-called resting position for the man, whose erect member is
skilfully massaged by the woman from the front.
After one or two hours of intercourse with sexual continence the man can adopt
this position in order to rest and to restore his vigour. In this position the two
lovers exchange their roles; the woman becomes active and the man becomes
passive. The woman impales herself on the man's hard member. She rocks
back and forth and, in this way, controls the depth of the penetration.
Holding her hips, the man has to draw her pelvis towards him and, in this way,
to help her take his penis up to the hilt. She can play with his entire length and
when his penis is completely inside her, she can feel his pubic hair and scrotum
on the lips of her vulva, which are opened wide in this position.
The woman lets her lover's penis slide in her swollen, moist and glistening
vagina. When she feels that her lover is getting close to the ejaculatory orgasm
she has to stop her moving.
Both lovers have to focus their attention in the navel area in order to produce
the sublimation of the sexual energy in pure passion.
Labels: SP-Variant THE SEESAW
SEXUAL POSITIONS "THE SEESAW" position. Variant 2 The

The man sits comfortably on a chair. The woman is the one who actively
impales herself on the man's erect phallus. This position enables lovers to look
at each other, to see how their desire mounts and above all to exchange mutual
By catching the woman's buttocks, the man draws her pelvis towards him and
completely fills the woman's open vulva. When the man feels that he is getting
close to the pre-orgasmic level he has to stop and focus his attention on the
crown in order to guide the sexual energy upwards.
The vertical position of the lovers' trunks gives them more control over the
sexual energy.
Both lovers have to guide the sexual energy along the spine towards the crown
in order to avoid the man's ejaculatory orgasm and the woman's explosive
orgasm. This will generate a sublimation of the basic energy in deep happiness.

Here it is another so-called resting position for the man, whose hard and large
member is skilfully massaged by the woman.
The man does not move. The woman inserts the whole length of the penis by
herself, supporting herself on her kneels. The man can stretch his legs if he
feels more pleasure in this position. Sitting slightly in front of the man's thighs,
the woman receives the man's phallusto the degree she chooses. The man can
hold her hips and help her when she presses her pelvis on him or he can tap
her buttocks with his palms having the fingers spread out. These flicks help the
woman raise her sexual energy along the spine.
This position is recommended for the beginners in the art of lovemaking with
sexual continence because it helps to sublimate the sexual energy in more
refined energies. Both lovers have to focus their attention in the middle of the
forehead in order to guide the sexual energy towards the sixth chakra - Ajna
Chakra. In this way, they will experience a inner peace and happiness.

Facing her, laying on top of her, supporting himself on his soles, the man
plunges into her with strong thrusts. With widely spread thighs she receives
him right up to the hilt. The man can move his pelvis either back and forth or
up and down. Contrary to all expectation the woman doesn't have to be passive
in this position. She has to catch the man's thighs with her hands and draw him
towards her in order to penetrate her vagina deeper.
In this position the man's strong thrusts could provoke the awakening of the
woman's Kundalini Shakti.
When the man feels that he is getting close to the ejaculatory orgasm he has to
stop his movements for few seconds and focus his attention in the crown in
order to guide the sexual energy along the spine to the crown. Same for the
woman, too.
Labels: SP-Variant Top
SEXUAL POSITIONS "THE TOP" position. Variant 1

Laying on her back, upheld and blocked by the man's thighs who penetrates her
in a controlled press-up, the woman is massaged firmly on the sides, taking up
the full length of the penis.
This position should be performed after the "The top" position in order to
mantain in contact the sexual organs of the lovers. At the moment when the
man feels that he is getting close to the ejaculatory orgasm he has to stop his
motions and remain still at least 30 seconds in order to avoid ejaculation.
As same as "The top" position, this position produces intense pleasure to both
lovers and it favours the accumulation of the sexual energy in the genital area.
The lovers have to focus their attention in the middle of the forehead in order to
sublimate the sexual energy at the level of the sixth chakra (AJNA CHAKRA).
Thus the lovers will increase their power of control over the sexual energy.
Labels: SP-Top

"The TOP" position, being pretty close to the missionary position, also named in
Kama Sutra "Driving the nail home", makes it easy for the man approach it
without having to withdraw his penis from his lover's vagina. That is why the
lovers should perform "The top" position after the classical one in order to keep
in contact their genitals.
Tantric masters recommend to the lovers to keep in contact their sexual organs
during the intercourse, because in this way it is not interrupted the energetic
exchange between lovers that is launch during the erotic act.
The woman should not be passive in this position. By holding the man's thighs
she can press his pelvis on hers, helping him to penetrate her deeply.
As same as "Driving the nail home" position, "The top" position is not
recommended for the beginners in the art of sexual continence because it
favours the accumulation of the sexual energy in the genital area. That is why
the man has to make slow motions and to focus his attention in the cardiac
plexus in order to control the sexual energy and to avoid the ejaculation. This is
recommended for woman, too.

This is one of the most fulfilling positions of submission for a man. Laying on
her back the woman opens her thighs completely. Her lover takes hold of her
ankles, so that she is forced to spread her thighs even more. She cannot fight
against his penetration in any way with her legs opened like this.
He can explore her to his heart's content - gently with the total length of his
penis or - which will increase her desire for more - he can insert and retract his
member forcefully.
In this position the strong penetrations of the man can produce the awaken of
the Kundalini energy of the woman.
During "The open pincer" position both lovers have to focus their attention in
order to guide the vital and sexual energy along the spine till the crown.

Facing her, laying on top of her with his chest pressing on her breasts, the man
plunges into woman's vagina with full thrusts of his loins.
With widely spread thighs the woman receives him right up to the hilt.
This position favours the complete intimacy of the genital zones of the lovers.
Also if there is compatibility between the size of the woman's vagina and the
size of man's penis then the woman can reach the cervico-uterine orgasm,
which is typically for the Tantric orgasm.
Contrary to all expectation the woman should not be passive in this position.
She has to hold the man's buttocks and press his pelvis on hers, helping him to
penetrate her deeply.
This position is not recommended for the beginners in the art of sexual
continence because it favours the accumulation of the sexual energy in the
genital area.
That is why the man has to make slow motions and to focus his attention in the
cardiac plexus in order to control the sexual energy and to avoid the
Labels: SP-Variant CLIMBING TREE

This is one of the most beautiful positions from the Kama Sutra. The woman
standing next to the man wraps her legs stretched more or less high around
him, as if she wants to climb a tree - with the difference that she uses his penis
as a strong branch to prevent her falling.
Then the woman put down one of her legs, placing it between those of her
lover. The woman can keep the other leg around man's waist or she can place it
on his shoulder if she has enough suppleness.
This position requires for the lovers to have almost the same height in order to
perform it.
The lovers face each other and they can exchange all manner of caresses,
pinching and kissing each other, their looks reciprocally registering their
mounting lust.
This variant of "Climbing the tree" position is a very good position for
controlling the sexual energy. Generally the standing positions increase the
power of control over the energies. The lovers will feel different kind of orgasm
according to the level at which they raise the sexual energy.

The man supports himself on palms and soles. First the woman rides on her
lover inserting deeply his erect penis in her vagina. After this she turns to the
right and places her right leg under the left leg of her lover and draws down her
body leaning either on one palm or on both palms. Then she places the other
leg with the sole on the man's chest.
The woman is active in this position, making coming and going movements. The
man responds to woman's movements by moving his pelvis in order to
penetrate the entire vagina of his lover.
"Riding the horse" position gives intense pleasure to both lovers and amplifies
the passion of lovemaking.
Both lovers have to concentrate their attention around the navel in order to
sublimate the sexual energy in subtle fire. In this way the lovers will be full of
energy and passion.

skilfully massaged by the woman from the front.
The man does not move. The woman inserts the whole length of the penis in
her vagina, supporting herself on her arms and pressing his member like a pair
of pincers. She can make either coming and going movements or circular
The man can either make brief thrusts with his pelvis in order to meet her
halfway or acts as if he were going to withdraw totally, living her almost
completely in order to penetrate her open vagina anew, which is very moist in
this position. This provides her with a very pleasant massage upwards.
This position is recommended for the beginners in the art of sexual continence
because it favours to raise the sexual energy along the spine till the crown.

There are in Kama Sutra three so-called resting positions for the man, whose
hard and large member is skilfully massaged by the woman sometimes from
the front and sometimes with her back, turned to him. "Massage and sucking
on the mast" position is one of them.
After one or two hours of intercourse with sexual continence the man can adopt
this position in order to rest and to restore his vigour. In this position the two
lovers changes the roles, woman becoming active and man becoming passive.
The woman lets her lover's penis to slide in her swollen, moist and glistening
vagina. She can make either upward and downward movements or circular
movements. When she feels that her lover is get close to the ejaculatory
orgasm she has to stop her moving. Both lovers have to guide their sexual
energy along the spine toward the crown in order to avoid man's ejaculatory
orgasm ands woman's explosive orgasm.
The woman can restart her movements when she feels that her lover regains
the control over the sexual energy.
Labels: SP-THE TOP

Lying on her back, upheld and blocked by the man's thighs who penetrates her
in a controlled press-up, the woman is massaged firmly on the sides, taking up
the full length of the penis.
At the moment when he wants to feel more pleasure, he allows his weight to
fall on her even more. In the same time the woman will feel him more
"The top" position gives intense pleasure to both lovers and amplifies the sexual
energy. This is why the beginners in the art of lovemaking with sexual
continence wouldn't start the intercourse with it.
Both lovers have to concentrate their attention in the heart area in order to
sublimate the sexual energy in more refined forms of energies.
When the woman feels that her lover is get close to the climax she has to stop
the man's movements and to press firmly with her thumb on the middle of the
forehead. Thus, his attention will be removed from the genital area to forehead
area, helping the rising of the sexual energy along the spine.

Leaning on her palms and soles, the woman lifts her pelvis so that the man can
introduce his penis in her vagina. Being kneeled he can catch the waist of his
lover with one or even with both hands. This position enables the lovers to look
at each other - to see how their desire mounts and to express their love.
The woman can push gently her pelvis, tuning her moving with the man's
coming and going movements. She can spread out largely her legs in order to
take up the full length of her lover's penis.
If the man feels that he is get close to the ejaculatory orgasm he has to stop
moving and focus his attention in the heart area in order to sublimate the
sexual energy. This is available for the woman too.
Labels: SP-Variant SEESAW
SEXUAL POSITIONS A variant of the "SEESAW" position
This is a rather tricky position as far as execution goes, but very profound for
feelings. The lovers face each other. The man lifts the woman up to the level of
his waist. She can either hold him by his arms or around his neck. Still with her
legs at the level of her lover's waist, the woman lets down the upper part of her
body till her head reaches the bed. Then she lets down one of her legs and with
man's help, she introduces it between his legs. The supple women practice this
position successfully.
Penetrated by the entire length of the penis, she allows her narrow vagina to
slide along the erect shaft. The man can press her very closely to himself. In
this position the penis massages the entire vagina. Helped by the power of his
arms, the man can do strong coming and going movements.
The standing position of the man gives him more control on sexual energy.
Both lovers have to guide the sexual energy along the spine towards the crown
in order to avoid the man's ejaculatory orgasm and the woman's explosive
orgasm. This will generate a sublimation of the basic energy in deep happiness.
feelings. The lovers face each other. The man lifts the woman up to the level of
his waist. She can either hold him by his arms or around his neck. Still with her
legs at the level of her lover's waist, the woman lets down the upper part of her
body till her head reaches the bed. Then she lets down one of her legs and with
man's help, she introduces it between his legs. The supple women practice this
position successfully.
Penetrated by the entire length of the penis, she allows her narrow vagina to
slide along the erect shaft. The man can press her very closely to himself. In
this position the penis massages the entire vagina. Helped by the power of his
arms, the man can do strong coming and going movements.
The standing position of the man gives him more control on sexual energy.
Both lovers have to guide the sexual energy along the spine towards the crown
in order to avoid the man's ejaculatory orgasm and the woman's explosive
orgasm. This will generate a sublimation of the basic energy in deep happiness.
Labels: SP-Variant BUTTERING
SEXUAL POSITIONS A variant of the "BUTTERING" position
Firmly planted in the vaginal opening, the man leans over on one side. He leans
either on left knee and left palm or on right knee and right palm. The man's
position offers him the possibility of making come-and-go movements as well as
circular ones. The woman won't stay passive, but will answer with soft
movements of the pelvis according to the ones of the man.
In this position the man procures for the woman an extraordinary massage of
her G-spot, so that few women can resist as such stimulation without having a
profound orgasm (of course we are talking about orgasms without losing of the
sexual energy).
The man can insert and withdraw his member as he sees fit, slapping gently her
thighs and buttocks.
If the man feels that he is get close to the ejaculatory orgasm he has to stop
moving and focus his attention in the heart area in order to sublimate the
sexual energy. This is available for the woman too.
either on left knee and left palm or on right knee and right palm. The man's
position offers him the possibility of making come-and-go movements as well as
circular ones. The woman won't stay passive, but will answer with soft
movements of the pelvis according to the ones of the man.
In this position the man procures for the woman an extraordinary massage of
her G-spot, so that few women can resist as such stimulation without having a
profound orgasm (of course we are talking about orgasms without losing of the
sexual energy).
The man can insert and withdraw his member as he sees fit, slapping gently her
thighs and buttocks.
If the man feels that he is get close to the ejaculatory orgasm he has to stop
moving and focus his attention in the heart area in order to sublimate the
sexual energy. This is available for the woman too.

The man holds his lover by the hips and then he takes one of his lover's legs
and draws it back gently. In order not to lose any of the penis' length the
woman, pivoting slightly to the side, reaches around her lover's neck. Well
lubricated from the other positions the vulva is now moistened, enabling the
penis to slide easily, massaging the sides of the vagina.
Both lovers have to concentrate their attention in the middle of the forehead in
order to avoid the man's ejaculatory orgasm and the woman's explosive
orgasm. In this way they will become more conscious about the sexual energy.

The man plunges into her with great sensitivity to start revolving movements
somewhat more forcefully with his penis, which is very exciting for both lovers.
To penetrate even more deeply he sits up over his lover, spreads her legs and
inserts his penis into the swollen mango plum well supplied with blood by the
adroit massage.
This sexual posture is a very arousing one for both lovers.
The raised position of the woman's pelvis allow to the sexual energy to "flow"
towards thyroid gland area. This could induce in woman a very elevated type of
The man has to stop his movements when he feels he or she is get close to the
climax in order to avoid his ejaculatory orgasm or her discharging orgasm.
"The ripe mango plum" position allows the sublimation of the sexual energy in
purity and ingenuity.
man only to the degree he likes. He penetrates her according to his rhythm,
amusing himself by inserting and withdrawing his penis sometimes gently and
sometimes forcefully.
An experienced woman in the art of lovemaking will utilize this position to swing
softly on her lover's thighs with her own thighs and to give her vagina, which is
being bombarded from below.
These two variants of the "The closed and the opened ring" position allow to the
man to become more conscious about intensity of pleasure and also to reduce it
by stopping the movements when he feels he is get close to the climax. For
sublimation the sexual energy both lovers have to concentrate their attention in
the middle of the forehead. This will induce a clear-minded state in both lovers,
which will help them to control the sexual energy and to sublimate it in more
elevated energies.

The lovers face each other. Then the man lifts the woman up to the level of his
waist. She can either hold him by his arms or around his neck. Penetrated by
the entire length of the penis, she allows her narrow vagina to slide along the
erect shaft. The man can press her very closely to himself, an embrace she can
simplify for him by squeezing her legs tightly around his waist.
In this position the penis massages the entire vagina. Helped by the power of
her arms, the woman can make strong coming and going movements in tune
with those of her lover. In this way both man and woman will feel a deep
The standing position of the man gives him more control on sexual energy.
Both lovers have to guide the sexual energy along the spine towards the crown
in order to avoid the man's ejaculatory orgasm and the woman's discharging
orgasm. This will generate a sublimation of the basic energy in happiness and
pure love.

The lovers place themselves so, that his penis is aimed at her buttocks from the
rear. When he inserts his penis into the woman's vulva, he pulls her pelvis up to
the level of his own waist and at the same time forces her to incline the upper
part of her body forwards. To maintain better balance so that he can convey to
her his full vigour, she supports herself on her lover's ankles. The way the
vagina is massaged by the penis and the penis is suckled by the vulva gives the
pair a deep feeling of yearning in this position.
"Penetration with deep backward movement" position helps both lovers to raise
the sexual energy along the spine till the top head. The standing up position of
the man makes him capable to have more control on sexual energy. The
woman's position determines the flowing of her erotic energy to the top head
and that's why she will experience different types of elevated orgasm. This
position requires to the man to have enough force in his arms to keep the
woman's position as long as possible.

Lying on the stomach, legs interlaced, the man and the woman turn with their
backs to each other. However, the special effect of this position may be
somewhat painful for some men, whose short and thick penis can only be flexed
with difficulty. In the continuation of this position the woman, who maintains
her balance with one arm now facing her lover and who is supported on the
man's body, is only titillated at the entrance to her vagina by the glans.
Naturally this is only foreplay to deeper coitus. The man inserts his erect penis
into the vagina by turning gently to one side. The vagina is now ready to
receive it in its totality.
This position is proper for those lovers who are beginners in the art of sexual
energy control. "The caress of the bud" position offers to the lovers the
possibility to become more conscious about intensity of pleasure and also to
reduce it by stopping the movement when they feel they are get close to the
For sublimation the sexual energy they have to concentrate their attention in
the middle of the forehead. This will induce a clear-minded state in both lovers,
which will help them to control the sexual energy and to sublimate it in more
elevated energies.

The man lies on the woman. She encompasses his thighs, prepared to take him
up to the hilt. He insinuates himself inside her gently and deeply anchored there
he cuddles her, stroking her back, hips, breasts. To abandon herself to her
lover's desires still more, she draws up her legs and spreads them slightly to be
able to, thus, proffer her vulva completely to the glans and penis shaft.
Still in the same position, the male lover can also amuse himself with the anal
opening of his lover if he knows that she loves anal penetrations. Here the
woman can relax in the best possible manner and the man has full control over
the penetration of his penis into the warm and constricted opening, which she
offers him with love and trust. He holds her by her hips, can bite her neck and
have his hands pass over her breasts, while thrusting ever deeper. In both
cases the man's desire is complete and of long duration.
This position is proper for raising the sexual energy and sublimation it in pure
love. To achieve this elevated emotion - pure love, during this position the
lovers have not to concentrate to the genital pleasure, but they have to
concentrate their attention to the heart area and become conscious of the flying
feeling that this position produces. If the lovers abandon them to the flying
feeling they feel that they are immersed in an ocean of pure love.

Sitting slightly in front of the man's thights, she only takes in part of his penis,
so that either of them can control the length inserted alternately. Kneeling she
can stroke the man's legs; suporting himself on his arms and making brief
thrusts with his pelvis he comes to meet her halfway or acts as if he were going
to withdraw totally, living her almost completely in order to penetrate her open
vagina anew, which is very moist in this position. This provides her with a very
pleasant massage upwards.

The man's penis fills up the woman's open vulva completely. Her thighs are on
the level of the man's shoulders, who plunges into her deeply and forcefully, so
that she can feel the size and length of his member all the better.
During "The blow of the bull" position the woman could stroke the man's
buttocks with her hands.
The man's forceful thrusts determines the rising of the woman's sexual energy
along the spine. So, in this position the woman could experience the awakening
of the Kundalini.

During intercourse the woman turns right around the man like a horizontal
wheel around a vertical axis. Profiting from certain positions the man caresses
her an pinches her nipples. For her part she can fondle the chest of the reclining
man, whose penis uses her like a pivot in flesh and blood. By squirming and
raising herself a little, she takes up just the length of his penis she wants to feel
in herself. "The pivot" position helps both man and woman to have a good
mental concentration. That's why this position is recommended for men who
have started to practise sexual continence.

This position has the great advantage of triggering strong vaginal sensations for
the woman.
The upper area of the vagina is excited very much indeed by the glans and the
shaft of the penis introduced horizontally. To accentuate this massage even
more, the woman allows her head to fall backwards to the ground and, still
holding onto her lover's wrists and with her buttocks resting on his thighs, she
takes up his penis, which keeps her balance, greedily for its whole length.
This position helps woman to have more control on pleasure because the sexual
energy flows along the spine to the head, generating an elevated type of
The standing position of the man offers him more control over the intensity of
pleasure in order to avoid ejaculatory orgasm.

The lovers place themselves so, that his member is aimed at her buttocks from
the rear. When he inserts hid penis into the woman's vulva, he pulls her pelvis
up to the level of his own waist and at the same time forces her to incline the
upper part of her body forwards.
To mantain better balance so that he can convey to her his full vigour, she
supports herself on her lover's ankles. The way the vagina is massaged by the
penis and the penis is suckled by the vulva gives the pair a deep feeling of
yearning in this massage position.
The man would have strong muscles at his arms and legs for mantaining this
position as long as is necessary to get the non-ejaculatory orgasm.
The woman has a good control of the pleasure intensity in this position and
therefore she can help the man by stopping the movement when she feels that
he attains the preorgastic level.

This is one of the most beautiful and rewarding positions in the Kama Sutra.
The woman standing next to the man wraps her legs stretched more or less
high around him, as if she wants to climb a tree - with the difference that she
uses his penis as a strong branch to prevent her falling.
The lovers face each other and they can exchange all manner of caresses,
pinching and kissing each other, their looks reciprocally registering their
mounting lust.
This position is very good for raising the sexual energy along the spine. The
lovers will feel different kind of orgasm according to the level at which they
raise the sexual energy.

Lodging his member more in the opening very tightly closed by her buttocks
and - to underscore his dominance - smacking her on the bottom and rubbing it
warm with one hand, he takes hold of her clitoris with the other, his lover being
unable to refuse his caresses. Her movements of joy and pleasure accentuate
the man's craving considerably, so that the woman has to stop when she feels
his lover is closed to ejaculatory orgasm.
Then the man still lodged in the woman's bottom kneels down on the bed. His
partner sits up, so that she touches his chest with her breasts. With one hand
he massages her labia and clitoris and can even masturbate her, if he feels the
movements of her pelvis are fierce enough. With the other hand he massages
her breasts that have grown erectile from his exciting caresses, while his
fingers invest her genitals.
Labels: SP-Mutual Sucking
"69" - the position of mutual sucking

The "69" position is where one lover lies head to tail over the other and each
gives the other simultaneous oral stimulation.
Oral stimulation in this position will work comfortably if her mouth is large
enough for his penis and if he doesn't thrust violently.
Totally engorging the erect penis in her mouth she presses and caresses his
testicles, allowing her saliva to flow over them.
Pressing the cheeks of her buttocks apart, the man is able to caress the widely
opened lips of her vulva with the tip of his tongue at his pleasure, likewise
titillating her anus with his tongue. He could also stimulate her clitoris.
If you are a couple who enjoy licking and probing the genitals with the tongue,
then this can be a tremendously exciting route to simultaneous orgasm.
Labels: Sexualpostions[SP]
Kamasastra Sexual Positions
->"69" - the position of mutual sucking
->"CLIMBING THE TREE" position
->"THE DOOR AJAR" position
->"CLIMBING THE TREE" position. Variant 1
->"CLIMBING THE TREE" position. Variant 2
Variant 1
->"MASSAGE AND SUCKING ON THE MAST" position. Variant 1
->"MASSAGE AND SUCKING ON THE MAST" position. Variant 2
->"THE BLOW OF THE BULL" position
->"THE CARESS OF THE BUD" position
->"FACE TO FACE" position
->"THE TOP" position
->"THE OPEN PINCER" position
->"THE TOP" position
->"THE TOP" position. Variant 1
->"DRIVING THE NAIL HOME" position. Variant 1
->"DRIVING THE NAIL HOME" position. Variant 2
->"FACE TO FACE" position. Variant 1
->"THE CONCEALED DOOR" position. Variant 1
->"THE PIVOT" position
->"SEESAWING" position
->"PINCERS FROM THE FRONT" position. Variant 1
->"THE SEESAW" position. Variant 2
->"BUTTERING" position
Variant 2
->"THE SEESAW" position
->"THE RIPE MANGO PLUM" position
-> variant of the "BUTTERING" position
-> variant of the "SEESAW" position
->"RIDING THE HORSE" position
->"THE GAZELLE AND THE STALLION" position. Variant 1
->"69" - the position of mutual sucking
->"CLIMBING THE TREE" position
->"THE DOOR AJAR" position
->"CLIMBING THE TREE" position. Variant 1
->"CLIMBING THE TREE" position. Variant 2
Variant 1
->"MASSAGE AND SUCKING ON THE MAST" position. Variant 1
->"MASSAGE AND SUCKING ON THE MAST" position. Variant 2
->"THE BLOW OF THE BULL" position
->"THE CARESS OF THE BUD" position
->"FACE TO FACE" position
->"THE TOP" position
->"THE OPEN PINCER" position
->"THE TOP" position
->"THE TOP" position. Variant 1
->"DRIVING THE NAIL HOME" position. Variant 1
->"DRIVING THE NAIL HOME" position. Variant 2
->"FACE TO FACE" position. Variant 1
->"THE CONCEALED DOOR" position. Variant 1
->"THE PIVOT" position
->"SEESAWING" position
->"PINCERS FROM THE FRONT" position. Variant 1
->"THE SEESAW" position. Variant 2
->"BUTTERING" position
Variant 2
->"THE SEESAW" position
->"THE RIPE MANGO PLUM" position
-> variant of the "BUTTERING" position
-> variant of the "SEESAW" position
->"RIDING THE HORSE" position
->"THE GAZELLE AND THE STALLION" position. Variant 1
Labels: kinds of congress and love quarrels.
Of the way how to begin and how to end the congress. Different kinds of congress and love quarrels.

In the pleasure-room, decorated with flowers, and fragrant with perfumes,
attended by his friends and servants, the citizen should receive the woman,
who will come bathed and dressed, and will invite her to take refreshment and
to drink freely. He should then seat her on his left side, and holding her hair,
and touching also the end and knot of her garment, he should gently embrace
her with his right arm. They should then carry on an amusing conversation on
various subjects, and may also talk suggestively of things which would be
considered as coarse, or not to be mentioned generally in society. They may
then sing, either with or without gesticulations, and play on musical
instruments, talk about the arts, and persuade each other to drink. At last when
the woman is overcome with love and desire, the citizen should dismiss the
people that may be with him, giving them flowers, ointments, and betel leaves,
and then when the two are left alone, they should proceed as has been already
described in the previous chapters.
Such is the beginning of sexual union. At the end of the congress, the lovers
with modesty, and not looking at each other, should go separately to the
washing-room. After this, sitting in their own places, they should eat some betel
leaves, and the citizen should apply with his own hand to the body of the
woman some pure sandal wood ointment, or ointment of some other kind. He
should then embrace her with his left arm, and with agreeable words should
cause her to drink from a cup held in his own hand, or he may give her water to
drink. They can then eat sweetmeats, or anything else, according to their
likings and may drink fresh juice,1 soup, gruel, extracts of meat, sherbet, the
juice of mango fruits, the extract of the juice of the citron tree mixed with
sugar, or anything that may be liked in different countries, and known to be
sweet, soft, and pure. The lovers may also sit on the terrace of the palace or
house, and enjoy the moonlight, and carry on an agreeable conversation. At
this time, too, while the woman lies in his lap, with her face towards the moon,
the citizen should show her the different planets, the morning star, the polar
star, and the seven Rishis, or Great Bear.
This is the end of sexual union.
Labels: Kama-Mouth congress
Kamasastra Of the Auparishtaka or mouth congress

There are two kinds of eunuchs, those that are disguised as males, and those
that are disguised as females. Eunuchs disguised as females imitate their dress,
speech, gestures, tenderness, timidity, simplicity, softness and bashfulness.
The acts that are done on the jaghana or middle parts of women, are done in
the mouths of these eunuchs, and this is called Auparishtaka.1 These eunuchs
derive their imaginable pleasure, and their livelihood from this kind of congress,
and they lead the life of courtesans. So much concerning eunuchs disguised as
Eunuchs disguised as males keep their desires secret, and when they wish to do
anything they lead the life of shampooers. Under the pretence of shampooing, a
eunuch of this kind embraces and draws towards himself the thighs of the man
whom he is shampooing, and after this he touches the joints of his thighs and
his jaghana, or central portions of his body. Then, if he finds the lingam of the
man erect, he presses it with his hands and chaffs him for getting into that
state. If after this, and after knowing his intention, the man does not tell the
eunuch to proceed, then the latter does it of his own accord and begins the
congress. If however he is ordered by the man to do it, then he disputes with
him, and only consents at last with difficulty.
Labels: Kama-Man and Women
Kamasutra About women acting the part of a man; and of the work of a man
When a woman sees that her lover is fatigued by constant congress, without
having his desire satisfied, she should, with his permission, lay him down upon
his back, and give him assistance by acting his part. She may also do this to
satisfy the curiosity of her lover, or her own desire of novelty. There are two
ways of doing this, the first is when during congress she turns round, and gets
on the top of her lover, in such a manner as to continue the congress, without
obstructing the pleasure of it; and the other is when she acts the man's part
from the beginning. At such a time, with flowers in her hair hanging loose, and
her smiles broken by hard breathings, she should press upon her lover's bosom
with her own breasts, and lowering her head frequently, should do in return the
same actions which he used to do before, returning his blows and chaffing him,
should say, `I was laid down by you, and fatigued with hard congress, I shall
now therefore lay you down in return.' She should then again manifest her own
bashfulness, her fatigue, and her desire of stopping the congress. In this way
she should do the work of a man, which we shall presently relate.
having his desire satisfied, she should, with his permission, lay him down upon
his back, and give him assistance by acting his part. She may also do this to
satisfy the curiosity of her lover, or her own desire of novelty. There are two
ways of doing this, the first is when during congress she turns round, and gets
on the top of her lover, in such a manner as to continue the congress, without
obstructing the pleasure of it; and the other is when she acts the man's part
from the beginning. At such a time, with flowers in her hair hanging loose, and
her smiles broken by hard breathings, she should press upon her lover's bosom
with her own breasts, and lowering her head frequently, should do in return the
same actions which he used to do before, returning his blows and chaffing him,
should say, `I was laid down by you, and fatigued with hard congress, I shall
now therefore lay you down in return.' She should then again manifest her own
bashfulness, her fatigue, and her desire of stopping the congress. In this way
she should do the work of a man, which we shall presently relate.
Labels: Kama-various modes
Kamasutra Of the various modes of striking, and of the sounds appropiate to them

SEXUAL intercourse can be compared to a quarrel, on account of the
contrarieties of love and its tendency to dispute. The place of striking with
passion is the body, and on the body the special places are:
- The shoulders
- The head
- The space between the breasts
- The back
- The jaghana, or middle part of the body
- The sidesS
- Striking with the back of the hand
- Striking with the fingers a little contracted
- Striking with the fist
- Striking with the open palm of the hand
Labels: Kama-various kinds
Kama sutra Of the different ways of lying down, and various kinds of congress

On the occasion of a `high congress' the Mrigi (Deer) woman should lie down in
such a way as to widen her yoni, while in a `low congress' the Hastini (Elephant)
woman should lie down so as to contract hers. But in an `equal congress' they
should lie down in the natural position. What is said above concerning the Mrigi
and the Hastini applies also to the Vadawa (Mare) woman. In a `low congress
the woman should particularly make use of medicine, to cause her desires to be
satisfied quickly.
The Deer-woman has the following three ways of lying down:
- The widely opened position
- The yawning position
- The position of the wife of Indra
Labels: Kama On biting
Kama sastra On biting, and the means to be employed with regard to women og different countries
All the places that can be kissed are also the places that can be bitten, except
the upper lip, the interior of the mouth, and the eyes. The qualities of good teeth
are as follows: They should be equal, possessed of a pleasing brightness,
capable of being coloured, of proper proportions, unbroken, and with sharp ends.
The defects of teeth on the other hand are that they are blunt, protruding from
the gums, rough, soft, large, and loosely set.
The following are the different kinds of biting:
the upper lip, the interior of the mouth, and the eyes. The qualities of good teeth
are as follows: They should be equal, possessed of a pleasing brightness,
capable of being coloured, of proper proportions, unbroken, and with sharp ends.
The defects of teeth on the other hand are that they are blunt, protruding from
the gums, rough, soft, large, and loosely set.
The following are the different kinds of biting:
Labels: Kama-On pressing or scratching
Kama sastra of On pressing, or marking, or scratching with nails

When love becomes intense, pressing with the nails or scratching the body with
them is practised, and it is done on the following occasions: on the first visit; at
the time of setting out on a journey; on the return from a journey; at the time
when an angry lover is reconciled; and lastly when the woman is intoxicated.
But pressing with the nails is not a usual thing except with those who are
intensely passionate, i.e. full of passion. It is employed, together with biting, by
those to whom the practice is agreeable.
Labels: Kama sastra on kissing
Kama sastra on kissing

It is said by some that there is no fixed time or order between the embrace, the kiss, and the pressing or scratching with the nails or fingers, but that all
these things should be done generally before sexual union takes place, while
striking and making the various sounds generally takes place at the time of the
union. Vatsyayana, however, thinks that anything may take place at any time,
for love does not care for time or order.
On the occasion of the first congress, kissing and the other things mentioned
above should be done moderately, they should not be continued for a long
time, and should be done alternately. On subsequent occasions, however, the
reverse of all this may take place, and moderation will not be necessary, they
may continue for a long time, and, for the purpose of kindling love, they may
be all done at the same time.
Labels: Kinds of sexual desires
Kinds of sexual union according to dimensions, force of desire or passion, time

Kind of Union
Man is divided into three classes, viz. the hare man, the bull man, and the horse man, according to the size of his lingam. Woman also, according to the depth of her yoni, is either a female deer, a mare, or a female elephant.
This part of the Kama Shastra, which treats of sexual union, is also called `Sixty- four' (Chatushshashti). Some old authors say that it is called so, because it contains sixty-four chapters. Others are of opinion that the author of this part
being a person named Panchala, and the person who recited the part of the Rig
Veda called Dashatapa, which contains sixty-four verses, being also called
Panchala, the name `sixty-four' has been given to the part of the work in honour
of the Rig Vedas. The followers of Babhravya say on the other hand that this part
contains eight subjects, viz. the embrace, kissing, scratching with the nails or
fingers, biting, lying down, making various sounds, playing the part of a man,
and the Auparishtaka, or mouth congress. Each of these subjects being of eight
kinds, and eight multiplied by eight being sixty-four, this part is therefore named
`sixty-four'. But Vatsyayana affirms that as this part contains also the following
subjects, viz. striking, crying, the acts of a man during congress, the various
kinds of congress, and other subjects, the name `sixty-four' is given to it only

accidentally. As, for instance, we say this tree is `Saptaparna', or seven-leaved,
this offering of rice is `Panchavarna', or five-coloured, but the tree has not seven
leaves, neither has the rice five colours.
However the part sixty-four is now treated of, and the embrace, being the first
subject, will now be considered.
Now the embrace which indicates the mutual love of a man and woman who
have come together is of four kinds:
- Touching
- Rubbing
- Piercing
- Pressing
When a man under some pretext or other goes in front or alongside of a woman
and touches her body with his own, it is called the `touching embrace'.
Labels: Kinds of Women
About the kinds of women resorted to by the citizens, and of friends and messengers
When Kama is practised by men of the four castes according to the rules of the
Holy Writ (i.e. by lawful marriage) with virgins of their own caste, it then
becomes a means of acquiring lawful progeny and good fame, and it is not also
opposed to the customs of the world. On the contrary the practice of Kama with
women of the higher castes, and with those previously enjoyed by others, even
though they be of the same caste, is prohibited. But the practice of Kama with
women of the lower castes, with women excommunicated from their own caste,
with public women, and with women twice married,1 is neither enjoined nor
prohibited. The object of practising Kama with such women is pleasure only.
Nayikas,2 therefore, are of three kinds, viz. maids, women twice married, and
public women. Gonikaputra has expressed an opinion that there is a fourth kind
of Nayika, viz. a woman who is resorted to on some special occasion even
though she be previously married to another. These special occasions are when
a man thinks thus:
This woman is self-willed, and has been previously enjoyed by many others
besides myself. I may, therefore, safely resort to her as to a public woman
though she belongs to a higher caste than mine, and, in so doing, I shall not be
violating the ordinances of Dharma.
Or thus:
This is a twice-married woman and has been enjoyed by others before me;
there is, therefore, no objection to my resorting to her.
Or thus:
This woman has gained the heart of her great and powerful husband, and
exercises a mastery over him, who is a friend of my enemy; if, therefore, she
becomes united with me she will cause her husband to abandon my enemy.
Or thus:
This woman will turn the mind of her husband, who is very powerful, in my
favour, he being at present disaffected towards me, and intent on doing me
some harm.
Or thus:
By making this woman my friend I shall gain the object of some friend of mine,
or shall be able to effect the ruin of some enemy, or shall accomplish some
other difficult purpose.
Or thus:
By being united with this woman, I shall kill her husband, and so obtain his vast
riches which I covet.
Holy Writ (i.e. by lawful marriage) with virgins of their own caste, it then
becomes a means of acquiring lawful progeny and good fame, and it is not also
opposed to the customs of the world. On the contrary the practice of Kama with
women of the higher castes, and with those previously enjoyed by others, even
though they be of the same caste, is prohibited. But the practice of Kama with
women of the lower castes, with women excommunicated from their own caste,
with public women, and with women twice married,1 is neither enjoined nor
prohibited. The object of practising Kama with such women is pleasure only.
Nayikas,2 therefore, are of three kinds, viz. maids, women twice married, and
public women. Gonikaputra has expressed an opinion that there is a fourth kind
of Nayika, viz. a woman who is resorted to on some special occasion even
though she be previously married to another. These special occasions are when
a man thinks thus:
This woman is self-willed, and has been previously enjoyed by many others
besides myself. I may, therefore, safely resort to her as to a public woman
though she belongs to a higher caste than mine, and, in so doing, I shall not be
violating the ordinances of Dharma.
Or thus:
This is a twice-married woman and has been enjoyed by others before me;
there is, therefore, no objection to my resorting to her.
Or thus:
This woman has gained the heart of her great and powerful husband, and
exercises a mastery over him, who is a friend of my enemy; if, therefore, she
becomes united with me she will cause her husband to abandon my enemy.
Or thus:
This woman will turn the mind of her husband, who is very powerful, in my
favour, he being at present disaffected towards me, and intent on doing me
some harm.
Or thus:
By making this woman my friend I shall gain the object of some friend of mine,
or shall be able to effect the ruin of some enemy, or shall accomplish some
other difficult purpose.
Or thus:
By being united with this woman, I shall kill her husband, and so obtain his vast
riches which I covet.
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